Fields I am Interested In

There are a lot of fields I am interested in that were part of this course. One of those fields is game design because I love video games. The game industry has grown rapidly over the past few years. People are starting to buy video games more often and at all different ages. There are many more different types of games available today than there was many years ago.


There are many reasons why I love video games. The first reason is that they have an experience that no other type of entertainment can provide. Movies show you the story but it is from one point of view. Video games, even though they have the same start and end, are always very different. You get to choose and control the character from start to end and make decisions throughout. Video games also show empathy and let you experience other peoples’ lives and stories. You can be a wizard to a solider to a professional athlete – the experiences are limitless.

Team Fortress 2 Picture Taken from here.

Team Fortress 2 Picture Taken from here.


If I had to choose a specific job I would choose Level designer. I enjoy making levels and designing them to make it a challenge for the player. I choose this because when I was making my game in class I had to design a lot of levels. When I was designing these levels, I had to think what the player would do and how much of a challenge it would be for them if a level is too fast and short as the player would be annoyed or if it’s too hard, they will give up early

A VERY hard Mario level. Picture taken from here.

A VERY hard Mario level. Picture taken from here.

I also enjoyed creating environments in games. The cool thing about game environments is the setting and environment can take place anywhere in the world, whether it be Manhattan or the Amazon. I also love interacting with environments such as fishing or hunting. The environment really sets what type of game you want and how good you want your game to be because if the environment sucks then the game will usually be not that great.

Far Cry 3 Picture taken from here.

Far Cry 3 Picture taken from here.

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